[Easttimorstudies] Workshop Performance and Text: Gender Identities in the East and Southeast Asian Context

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Mon Jul 10 16:39:19 EST 2006

MESSAGE FROM Associate Professor Helen Creese

Dear colleagues,

With support from the APFRN and the Japan-Korea 
node we will be hosting a workshop on 21-23 July on Performance
Gender and Text in East and Southeast Asia. All 
network members and their colleagues are welcome to attend. I have
pasted our flyer below. In particular we would be 
interested in hearing from any postgrads who might like to attend and
participate in the master class on Sunday 23 
July.  We have a limited amount of funding available to support interstate
postgrads or ECRs and have extended the date for 
expressions of interest until next Thursday, 13 July. Full details are
available via the Performance and Text in Asia 
link on our School webpage http://www.arts.uq.edu.au/slccs/ Please
contact me if you require any further information.


Associate Professor Helen Creese
School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies
University of Queensland
Phone: 61-7-3365 6413
Fax: 61-7-3365 6799
School Webpage: http://www.arts.uq.edu.au/slccs/

Performance and Text: Gender Identities in the East and Southeast Asian Context
School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies
University of Queensland
21 ­ 23 July 2006

The aim of this invited workshop is to explore 
the links between gendered social experiences and attitudes and cultural
expression in selected East and Southeast Asian 
cultures, China, Japan and Indonesia. The workshop will explore the
intersections between gender and text and 
performance and, in particular, the ways in which these intersections affect
gender representations in the local cultural 
context and how women and men experience their own gender and sexuality.
We understand performance both as performed 
spectacle and in the broader sense of the performance of social roles.

Friday 21 July (2-5pm)­ Saturday 22 July (9.30am-5.00pm)
  Invited Speakers
Alison Tokita (Monash) Performance and 
text:  gender identity and the Kumano faith
Anne McLaren  (Melbourne) Performing Patriarchy in the Chinese Marriage Market
Barbara Hartley (UQ) Gendered bodies performing the nation
Barbara Hatley (University of Tasmania) 
Controlling women’s bodies, hearing women’s voices  in the New Indonesia
Helen Creese  (UQ) Manipulating Manu: women and 
the law in nineteenth century Bali
Lyn Parker (UWA) To Cover the Aurat: Veiling and 
Sexual Morality among Minangkabau Adolescent Girls
Rosie Roberts  (UQ) Performing Gender in Maoist 
Ballet:  Mutual Subversions of Genre and Ideology
Junko Saeki (Doshisha University) Beyond the 
male/female dichotomy: Cross-dressing in Japanese theatrical tradition
Tomoko Aoyama (UQ) Performing Father-Daughter 
Love: Inoue Hisashi’s Face of Jizo
Xianlin Song (University of Adelaide) Unruly 
Spaces: Gender, Women's Writing And Indigenous Feminism In China

Sunday 23 July  (9.30-12.30)
Postgraduate Masterclass
The main workshop will be followed by a half day 
master class/workshop targeted specifically at postgraduate students
working in the areas of gender, culture and text. 
The aim of the workshop is to give postgraduate students of Asian
cultures the opportunity to discuss their 
research with their peers and to receive feedback from a panel of leading
experts in the field. Postgraduate students from 
throughout Australia are invited to attend and participate in the seminars
and discussions. We now invite applications for a 
limited number of partial bursaries to support interstate postgraduate
students’ attendance at the workshop. 
Postgraduate applicants should submit a one page 
cv, a statement concerning the
benefits of attending the workshop for their 
research topic, and a letter of recommendation from their supervisor by 13
JULY 2006 (extended deadline). Successful 
applicants will be notified on 14 July 2006.

Further details are available on the Workshop 
Registration webpage. Just follow the links to the from the Latest News link
on the School of Languages and Comparative 
Cultural Studies home page http://www.arts.uq.edu.au/slccs/ Or return the
registration form to me via email.
Registration Form
Registration is available via the Workshop 
website http://www.arts.uq.edu.au/slccs/
or send the following details to
Helen Creese
School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies
University of Queensland
h.creese at uq.edu.au

There is a registration fee of $50.00. Payment should be made at the workshop.

Organisational Affiliation______________________




Area of research interest/title of thesis____________

Dietary Requirements_________________________

The workshop organisers acknowledge gratefully 
the support of the following sponsors
Asia Pacific Futures Research Network
Japan-Korea Node of the APFRN
School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies
UQ Faculty of Arts Research Concentration in Asian Identities

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