[Easttimorstudies] RE-SENT - CALL FOR PAPERS: Youth, Media and Culture in the Asia Pacific Region

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Tue Jul 11 17:04:24 EST 2006

Apologies for cross-postings, apparently there was a problem with the 
list yesterday afternoon and not everyone may have got this message:

>QUERIES SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO usha.rodrigues at arts.monash.edu.au
>Youth, Media and Culture in the Asia Pacific Region
>An international symposium
>Monash University, Melbourne 30th November and 1st December 2006
>A two-day symposium exploring the practices and expanding field of 
>research around youth and the media
>The symposium conveners invite papers that address issues pertaining 
>to youth media and culture in the Asia Pacific
>region, especially in regards to the symposium themes:
>1. Youth consumption and production of media.
>2. Hybrid cultures, subcultures and issues of globalisation.
>3. The role of commercial media, public service broadcasting and 
>community media.
>4. The impact of new media, especially the manner in which it 
>facilitates new formations of community and identity.
>The symposium aims to:
>- To create a dialogue between researchers working across 
>disciplines and across cultural borders.
>- To identify the key concerns for scholars working in the Asia 
>Pacific in regards to traditional and new media.
>- To foster links between scholars, industry professionals and practitioners.
>Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words and a biography of 
>no more than 100 words to
>belinda.smaill at arts.monash.edu.au no later than the 31st of July.
>Small travel and accommodation grants available for a limited number 
>of Australian postgraduate researchers.
>Selected papers will be published as a 'special section'in the next 
>edition of Asia Pacific Media Educator. Deadline for
>submitting papers for peer-review is the 27th of October.
>Visit our website for more information and registration details:
>All enquires to the Symposium conveners:
>Usha M. Rodrigues, Journalism, Monash University, 
>usha.rodrigues at arts.monash.edu.au
>Belinda Smaill, Visual Culture, Monash University, 
>belinda.smaill at arts.monash.edu.au
>Symposium supported by:
>The Asia Pacific Futures Research Network; and
>Monash University (Faculty of Arts; School of Humanities, 
>Communications and Social Sciences; School of English,
>Communications and Performance Studies).

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