[Easttimorstudies] Eyewitness: crisis in T-L film & discussion

Australia-East Timor Association aetamel at aetamel.org
Wed Jul 12 21:09:29 EST 2006

The Australia-East Timor Association presents

Carmela Baranowska - Documentary Filmmaker & Journalist


(Port) Testamunha ocular: a crise em Timor-Leste
(Tetum) Testemuña: krise iha Timor-Leste

Event summary: 
A preview of documentary film excerpts with commentary & discussion

Date: Wednesday 19th July
Time: 6.30 pm

Kaleide Theatre, RMIT Union
Ground floor, Building 8,
RMIT University City Campus
360 Swanston St, Melbourne
Victoria, Australia

**All Welcome**
A gold coin donation at entry would be appreciated

About Carmela Baranowska:
She is a Walkley award winning journalist and filmmaker who was the only
Australian journalist continuously residing in Dili from the end of May
until early July 2006. She is currently in post-production on
"Welcome to independence", a feature length documentary which covers the
years 2001-2006 in East Timor. "Scenes from an occupation" (2000) covered
the last six months of Indonesia's occupation of East Timor. During the
recent crisis she reported for SBS News, ABC Radio and Radio Netherlands.

Other activities:
* AETA Bookstall
* East Timor Women Australia (ETWA) craft stall

This event is an Australia-East Timor Association initiative.
For further information please contact AETA via our contact details below:

Australia-East Timor Association (AETA)
PO Box 93
Tel.: 61 3 9416 2960
E-mail: aetamel at aetamel.org

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