[Easttimorstudies] Invitation to Lunch with Kirsty Sword Gusmao

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Wed Mar 29 12:41:04 EST 2006

>Stefano de Pieri cooks for YOU and the Alola Foundation on
>Sunday 7th May at Rosina Hall, Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne
>Dear friends,
>I am delighted to announce that the much 
>celebrated Chef of the Grand Hotel, Mildura and 
>family friend, Stefano de Pieri, has generously 
>donated his culinary skills to fundraise for the 
>Alola Foundation, by cooking an Italian feast on 
>May 7th in Melbourne.  We wish to inform all of 
>our friends about this event, but it may be of 
>particular interest to those who are resident in Victoria.
>I will be delivering an update on the 
>developments of the Alola Foundation, and in 
>particular, the work of the Maternal and Child 
>Health Programs.  One of these programs is the Mother Support Groups.
>As you all know, currently approximately 1 in 10 
>East Timorese babies do not survive to their 
>first birthday.  One of the key functions of the 
>Mother Support Groups is to provide the 
>techniques and benefits of exclusive 
>breastfeeding for the first six months of a 
>baby's life, thereby reducing malnutrition - a 
>major cause of infant deaths 
>internationally.  There are currently 14 Mother 
>Support Groups in 6 of East  Timor's 13 administrative districts.
>Proceeds from this luncheon will support all the 
>important work of Alola such as the Maternal and Child Health Programs
>The attached invitation to you outlines the 
>event, and it would be wonderful to see you 
>there.  I hope you will be able to 
>attend.  Click on 
>to print out a booking form.   If you are 
>unavailable for this Luncheon, please visit our 
>website to view updates on the work that we are 
>doing in Timor-Leste.  You may consider making a donation also.
>We would like to thank our generous supporters and sponsors of the Luncheon:
>- Sian Prior - Compere at the Luncheon
>- Jane Belfrage – Harpist
>- Paulo Almeida – Singer/ Dili Allstars
>- Roberts Estate Wines
>- Stonier Wines
>Thank you once again for your continued support of the Alola Foundation.
>Best wishes,
>Kirsty Sword Gusmao
>Chairwoman of Alola Foundation
>First Lady of Timor-Leste
>PO Box 3
>Timor-Leste (via Darwin, Australia)
>Website: <http://www.alolafoundation.org>http://www.alolafoundation.org
>To make donation to Alola - www.ourcommunity.com.au/alolafoundation
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