[TimorLesteStudies] Advance notice - CDU Conference - February 2008

Jennifer Drysdale jenster at cres10.anu.edu.au
Tue Oct 16 09:58:43 EST 2007

>Enquiries: "David Mearns" <David.Mearns at cdu.edu.au>
>The follow up conference to the CDU "Crisis in East Timor" symposium 
>(held in November 2006 and from which a book will soon be published) 
>is to be held:
>Democratic Governance in Timor-Leste: Reconciling the Local and the National
>A 2 day conference to be held at Charles Darwin University (Darwin) 
>on February 7th and 8th 2008
>Plans are almost complete and will be posted on a Web Page as soon 
>as possible. We will send a link when available.
>At this stage the idea is to have 4 half day panels each with a 
>keynote speaker and pursuing a particular issue regarding the 
>development of State, Parliament and local relationships across the 
>spectrum of political, governance, economic and cultural concerns. 
>The underlying theme will be how the districts and their diverse 
>populations can and should be brought into the emerging processes of 
>building the new nation.
>We will keep you and the list informed as the plans develop.
>(as Conference Convenor)
>David Mearns
>Chair, CDU Press
>Associate Professor of Anthropology
>School of Creative Arts and Humanities
>Faculty of Law, Arts and Business
>Charles Darwin University
>NT 0909
>Tel:  +61 (0)8 8946 6824
>Fax:  +61 (0)8 8946 6977
>Cricos Provider No. 00300K

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