[TimorLesteStudies] Please post your publications and notices!

jennifer.drysdale at anu.edu.au jennifer.drysdale at anu.edu.au
Wed Sep 12 16:52:50 EST 2007

Dear Members

This is a reminder to let you know that as a subscriber to this list you can 
post to the list by emailing your notice to easttimorstudies at anu.edu.au

Please note, the system we use does not handle attachments so please either 
save your attachment to the web and post a link to it, or cut and paste the 
information into the email.

The list is moderated so posts are not automatically accepted, but should 
concur with the guidelines for posting which are available on our website - 

We particularly welcome news of your publications and research!


Guidelines for Posting to the Timor-Leste Studies Association's List 
* Information posted is relevant to academic and other researchers conducting 
research in Timor-Leste. 
* Research information circulated follows the usual academic conventions (such 
as acknowledging sources, presenting reasoned argument and adhering to 
research ethics). Information that has been published (and can therefore be 
cited) is preferable. 
* Responses to postings must include additional relevant information or new 
data. Personal opinion, comments and discussion should be limited.
* Attachments should not be sent to the List (links to documents posted on the 
web can be posted). 
* The language of the list is English. However posts that are simultaneously 
translated into a language common to East Timorese are encouraged.
* Only members may post to the Timor-Leste Studies Association List.

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