[TimorLesteStudies] VET in Timor Leste - the latest news

Australia-East Timor Association aetamel at aetamel.org
Sun Sep 16 14:06:15 EST 2007

Vocational Education & Training (VET) in Timor Leste - the latest news
(VISTA Timor Leste VET Network Seminar)

- Update on VET in Timor Leste
- Meet with Ministerial Advisor Ms Ana Noronha

*Ms Annie Keogh - Recently returned from Timor Leste after working in the
VET sector. Her engaging letter about the challenges facing VET needs and
delivery in Timor Leste was recently read out at a joint VISTA - Goya
Foundation fundraising dinner in Melbourne.

*Ms Ana Noronha - Media Advisor to João Cancio Freitas, Minister of
Education, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Ana will speak about the East
Timorese Government's approach to VET.

*Mr José da Costa Magno - Dean of the Faculty of Social & Political Sciences
at the National University of Timor Leste. He is one of about eight East
Timorese Youth Policy Leaders who are guest fellows at Victoria University
(VU) undertaking a program of field visits, attachments and seminars
organised by the VU Institute for Community, Ethnicity and Policy
Alternatives (ICEPA) and the School of Social Science on the theme of
'Engaging Young People in Decision-making'. The East Timorese Adjunct
Fellows at Victoria University are funded under AusAid's Australian
Leadership Awards (ALA).
There will be time allocated for questions after the three speakers.

September 19, 2007, 5.00 - 7.00 pm.

Seminar rooms 1 & 2, Engineers Australia (VISTA office base)
21 Bedford St, North Melbourne, Victoria

Car parking:
Street parking is available. There is also casual parking in Blackwood St,
North Melbourne, immediately behind the Engineers Australia building.

Tea, coffee & biscuits provided.

*VISTA Members: $20
*Non VISTA Members: $30
*East Timorese ALA Adjunct Fellows: Free

VISTA is the peak professional association for managers and leaders in the
Victorian Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. VISTA is committed
to raising the status of the VET profession within the community and to
promoting a deeper understanding of applied learning pedagogy.

Australia-East Timor Association (AETA)
PO Box 93
Tel.: 61 3 9416 2960
E-mail: aetamel at aetamel.org

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