[TimorLesteStudies] Job Vacancy: Research Assistant/Translator

bu.wilson at anu.edu.au bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Wed Aug 27 19:00:41 EST 2008

JOB VACANCY : “ Research Assistant/Translator”
  South East Asia Regional Cooperation in Human Development (SEARCH) and Judicial Systems Monitoring Project (JSMP) are seeking a research assistant to assist in a participatory research project focused on engaging with children (aged 10-15) and their communities to explore violence from the perspective of children and in the context of children’s lives. This research will help to inform the development of tools to strengthen local capacity on the civic engagement of children and their communities, and in child protection and the broader promotion of human rights.
 The project will work in partnership with other local NGO’s involved with children and children’s rights, and intends to build on the UN Study of Violence Against Children, the MSS Child Protection Networks and focal points and recent concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on Timor-Leste’s 2006 periodic report. The project will also address issues of culture and violence, and the role culture can play in peace-building, child protection and human rights.  Gender specific perspectives will also be explored.
 Job Description
  Working in close collaboration with an international researcher, the Research Assistant will be required to: 
  ·         meaningfully engage with children and communities
  ·         co-facilitate and translate participatory sessions with children and their communities
  ·         orally translate from English to Tetum and from Tetum to English, ensuring the voices of the children are captured
  ·         translate written documents from English - Tetum
  ·         ensure cultural sensitivity of research and research tools
  ·         critically reflect and analyze discussions and data collected
  ·         assist in the development of capacity building tools
  The duration of the project is 4 months, and salary will be negotiated based on experience and expertise.
  Qualification Requirements
  ·         Advanced University Degree in Social Sciences, Humanitarian Law/International Law, or other relevant discipline.    
  ·         Proven professional level experience in development and research related activities in the fields of child protection and development, human rights, and social protection.  Strong facilitation skills and experience working with children and youth is a must. 
  ·         Proven analytical, conceptualizing and negotiating skills, relevant to human and social development would be a strong asset. 
  ·         Fluency in spoken and written English, Tetum and Bahasa Indonesia.  
  ·         Fluency in Fataluku is considered a strong asset
  ·         Good working knowledge of child rights (CRC) is considered an asset
  ·         Strong understanding of cultural norms and traditions and how they relate to children, childhood and youth
  ·         Strong analytical and research skills, strong communication skills, ability to conceptualize and strategize around policies affecting children and youth. 
  ·         Ability to express clearly and concisely ideas and concepts in written and oral form in both English and Tetum
  ·         Demonstrated ability to work harmoniously in a multi-cultural team and establish harmonious & effective working relationship both within and outside the organization. 
  ·         Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan and execute ideas, as well as transfer knowledge and build capacities. 
  ·         Good judgment, ability to build trust and work collaboratively as a team.
  Eligible candidates should send their CV (Curriculum Vitae) with cover letter outlining that they are qualified to undertake the above-mentioned position. A hard copy of your CV with cover letter can be submitted to JSMP at Rua Setubal Kolmera Dili (behind Liliana Shop), or applications can be  also sent Mr. Casimiro  Dos Santos (Deputy Director), casmiro at jsmp.minihub.org, and Cheryl Heykoop (international researcher), chiicrd at uvic.ca

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