[TimorLesteStudies] Sydney Centre for International Law Public Seminars- some of relevance for Timor Leste

Bu Wilson Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au
Tue Mar 11 15:37:01 EST 2008

The Sydney Centre for International Law is pleased to announce its Public
Seminars for Semester 1, 2008.

(CF: Of possible relevance to TL):

The United Nations Human Rights Council
Chris Sidoti, Immediate Past Director, International Federation for Human
Rights Service, Geneva
Tuesday 22 April, 5.30 - 6.45pm
Minter Ellison Room, Level 13, Law School

Punishing Assassins: The UN Security Council's Criminal Tribunal in Lebanon
Sarah Williams, former Legal Officer, British Foreign Office & Sydney Centre
Wednesday 30 April, 5.30 - 6.45pm
Minter Ellison Room, Level 13, Law School

Crimes against Humanity in International Law 
Dr Robert Dubler SC, Barrister & Centre Associate
Wednesday 14 May, 5.30 - 6.45pm
Minter Ellison Room, Level 13, Law School

International Law and Rights to Oil and Gas Resources of the Timor Gap:
Trick or Treat?
Professor Gillian Triggs, Dean, Sydney Law School
Wednesday 28 May, 5.30 - 6.45pm
Minter Ellison Room, Level 13, Law School

Bu Wilson
Regulatory  Institutions Network (RegNet) 
College of Asia and the Pacific, RSPAS
Australian National University 
Canberra   ACT   0200 

T: 02 6125 3194 
F: 02 6125 1507
M: 0407 087 086 
E: Bu.Wilson at anu.edu.au


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