[TimorLesteStudies] Gender Report

Damian Grenfell damian.grenfell at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 21:25:41 EST 2008

Challenges and Possibilities: International Organizations and Women in
A Weekend of Reflection, Dialogue and Collaboration, 9-11 September 2005
Storey Hall, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Report edited by Damian Grenfell and Anna Trembath, Globalism Institute,
RMIT University

The first version of this report was put together in the weeks following the
Challenges and Possibilities forum in 2005. The forum itself had been a huge
organizational task supported with few resources, and was only made possible
because of the generosity of many volunteers who contributed their
respective skill sets. The first report reflected the general lack of
resources available: we did not have money to produce a high quality copy,
we had no money for translations, the layout and copy-editing were very
underdone. Making the report was a matter of staying back at work too late,
too often, to do what printing and binding we could. Despite our best
efforts, this in part contributed to a lack of circulation of the outcomes
from the forum both in and outside of Timor-Leste. Now fully translated and
with an ability to distribute the report both internationally and in
Timor-Leste, we hope that this new version-available in both in Tetun and
English-goes a small way towards keeping the ideas and debates of that forum
alive. A lot has obviously happened in Timor-Leste between then and now, but
we feel that that should not distract from the enduring aims of people
working together in an effort to achieve gender equity.

For a digital copy of the report please visit

Dezafiu no Oportunidade: Organizasaun Internasionál no Feto sira iha
Semana-rohan ida ne'ebé dedika ba Reflesaun, Diálogu no Kolaborasaun,
Loron 9 to'o 11 Setembru 2005,
Storey Hall, Universidade RMIT, Melbourne, Australia

Editor sira: Damian Grenfell no Anna Trembath, Globalism Institute,
Universidade RMIT

Relatorio ida ne'e nia versaun premeiru halo iha semana tuir mai husi forum
naran Dezafiu no Oportunidade iha 2005. Organiza forum ne'e servisu bo'ot
tebe-tebes, hetan suporta rekursu oituan de'it no bele hala'o tamba
voluntaria barak ho sira nia laran luak kontribui sira nia matenek oi-oin.
Relatorio premeiru hatudu katak la iha duni rekursu barak iha tempo ne'ebá;
ami la iha osan atu halo relatorio kualidade diak, la iha osan atu halo
tradusaun no mós nia prosesu hadia no edita ladún kompleto. Halo relatorio
uluk nian presiza dala barak servisu to'o kalan atu imprime kopia. Ami koko
duni maibé situasaun ne'e hatudu katak ladún bele fahe resultado husi forum
iha Timor-Leste nia laran no mós iha li'ur. Agora relatorio ne'e tradus hotu
ona no ami iha kapasidade atu fahe iha Timor-Leste no nasaun seluk, ami
espera katak versaun foun ne'e-agora iha lian Tetun no mós lian Inglés-bele
azuda hamoris ideia no debate husi forum uluk. Barak akontese tiha ona iha
Timor-Leste husi tempo ne'ebá to'o agora, maibé ami senti katak saida mak
akontese la bele hamenus ita nia objektivu hanesan ema ne'ebé servisu
hamutuk hodi hetan equalidade jeneru.

Agora ami fahe relatoriu ne'e iha Timor-Leste laran ba paseiru sira no
sosidede civil.

Bele ba website ida ne'e atu asesu kopi relatoriu ida ne'e iha lia-Tetun ka
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