[TimorLesteStudies] work group about East Timor - Portuguese Anthropological Association Congress

Kelly C. Silva kellysa at uol.com.br
Thu Apr 30 22:51:13 EST 2009

Dear colleagues,


The IV Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association will take place in Lisbon,  from September 9th  to 11th, 2009. All people conducting researches about East Timor are invited to propose papers at the work group "(Re) classifying Timor-Leste: anthropological knowledge and antropological translations on Timor-Leste and their People." organized by Lúcio Sousa (Universidade Aberta de Lisboa) and me (Kelly Silva/ Universidade de Brasília) as part of the Congress schedule. We have a wide objective: to discuss the profile of the current anthropological production on East Timor and the East Timorese people.  The official language of the congress is Portuguese, but we are open to receive papers in English or Tetum. 

Abstracts shall be sent to our email (kellysa at uol.com.br & lucio at univ-ab.pt) no later than 23 May 2009.  Further information can be found at the following link: http://www.apantropologia.net/congresso2009/4congresso_paineis.asp   

(In Tetum below)


Doben maluk sira, 


iha rai Lisboa, fulan Setembru tinan 2009,  maluk antropologos sira halibur hamutuk atu tuir encontro ida naran: IV Congresso Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia.  Ami nain rua, Lúcio Sousa (Universidade Aberta de Lisboa - Portugal) no Kelly Silva (Universidade de Brasilia- Brasil) mai convida maluk sira katak halo estudo no investigasaun kona ba Timor Leste atu fo apresentasaun ida iha painel katak ami prepara iha congressu nia laran: PAINEL Nº: 9 (Re) Classificando Timor-Leste: conhecimento e traduções antropológicas de Timor e dos timorenses. Iha enkontru ne`e ami hakarak hasoru malu atu koalia kona ba estudo no investigasaun kona ba Timor Loro Sae no Timor oan sira iha mundo tomak. Enkontru ida ne`e tuir lia Português maibe ami bele simu surat proposta ho lia Inglês no Tetum. Imi bele haruka surat proposta ho email ba ami (kellysa at uol.com.br & lucio at univ-ab.pt). Surat proposta tenki tama to loron 23 fulan Maio 2009.  Karik imi hakarak hetan liafuan tan no informasaun kona ba congressu bele buka iha nee:


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