[TimorLesteStudies] Forthcoming book: Ricardo Roque- HEADHUNTING AND COLONIALISM Anthropology and the Circulation of Human Skulls in the Portuguese Empire, 1870-1930

Bu Wilson bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Tue Feb 2 22:00:40 EST 2010

Ricardo Roque. 2010 (forthcoming). Headhunting and Colonialism (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series). Palgrave Macmillan.

Amazon.co.uk says:
Product Description
      Headhunting and Colonialism is an account of colonial violence, indigenous headhunting and the circulation of human skulls to anthropological museums in the heyday of late European imperialism. Using the example of the Portuguese colony of East Timor, it embeds the history of a museum collection of human skulls within the larger context of the Portuguese imperial expansion, emergence of scientific anthropology in Europe, Christian beliefs about the dead body, and indigenous cultures. The book examines how human skulls were critical to imperial power and indigenous communities, and traces how they could be collected, exchanged, circulated, studied, and interpreted in colonial, scientific, and metropolitan contexts. By combining imperial history with historical anthropology and the history of science, it brings out a fresh reappraisal of colonial interactions as mutually parasitic, and a novel framework for understanding the social life of collections as attachments between things and histories.             Book Description
    An examination of the history of Portuguese colonialism and anthropology in East Timor between the 1870s and the 1930s. Includes a fascination collection of rare photographs from the period.

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