[TimorLesteStudies] JSMP's report OVERVIEW JUSTICE SECTOR IN TIMOR-LESTE 2009 now available online

Bu Wilson bu.wilson at anu.edu.au
Thu Feb 4 20:25:26 EST 2010

This report was released today and is available in English, Indonesian and Tetum. Go to 
www.jsmp.minihub.org and click on "publications"

Table of Contents
Section 1 – The Legislature
i. JSMP Commentary on Law Making Processes……………………………1
ii. The Penal Code……………………………………………………………...3
iii. The Law for the Protection of Witnesses…………………………………7
Section 2 – The Courts
i. Court of Appeal……………………………………………………… ...9
ii. District Court of Dili…………………………………………………..10
iii. District Court of Baucau………………………………………………11
iv. District Court of Oe-Cusse……………………………………………13
v. District Court of Suai………………………………………………….15
Section 3 – Gender Issues
i. Background………………………………………..……………………18
ii. Comments on how the formal justice system handled cases of gender
based violence during 2009……………………….……………………19
iii. Statistics…………………………………………………………………2
iv. The Applicable Law in Timor-Leste in Cases of Gender Based
Section 4 – Victims Support Service
i. Introduction……………………………………………………………..2
ii. Number of
iii. Organisations providing referrals to VSS during
iv. Breakdown of Cases for which clients sought the services of VSS…
v. Progress of Cases that Were Assisted by the VSS……………………30
Section 5 – Issues in the justice sector
i. The Capture and Illegal Release of Maternus Bere…………………..32
ii. Processes to Implement the CAVR and
iii. The 2008 Shootings Case………………………………………………43
iv. The Railos

Bu V.E. Wilson
Centre for International Governance and Justice
Regulatory Institutions Network
Australian National University
+61 407 087 086

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