[TimorLesteStudies] CIDAC: Timor archival documents online

John Waddingham chart at timorarchives.info
Sun Jun 16 20:37:16 EST 2013

Lisbon's well-known CIDAC (Centro de Intervenção para o Desenvolvimento
Amílcar Cabral) has recently published 'Timor Online' - a digital library
of over 10,000 documents on decolonisation, occupation, resistance and
international solidarity.

The documents are the collected and created materials of the Portuguese
activist organisations CDPM (Comission for the Rights of the Maubere
People) and APPTL (Peace is Possible in TL).

CHART has published a brief outline of the collection and some preliminary
comments and tips on searching the facility. See:

CIDAC's introductory page (Portuguese language), including a direct link to
the digital library search screen is at:

A great addition to the growing availability of online historical documents.

John Waddingham
Archivist / Manager
Clearing House for Archival Records on Timor Inc.


Mobile: 0421 179 533
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