[TimorLesteStudies] Recruitment – East Timor linguist for UN project (part-time)

Michael Leach mleach at swin.edu.au
Tue Dec 8 11:56:33 AEDT 2020

Sung-Mi Kim <Sung-Mi.Kim at ridgeway-information.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 2020 5:11 AM
To: easttimorstudies-owner at anu.edu.au <easttimorstudies-owner at anu.edu.au>
Subject: Recruitment – East Timor linguist for UN project (part-time)

Dear Timor Leste Studies Association

I am a Senior Researcher at Ridgeway Information, a London-based research company.

We are recruiting East Timor linguists (part-time) to work on a UN project for women. Could you please help circulate this information among your fellow researchers, students and colleagues? I think it will be an interesting opportunity for PhD students, for example.

Thank you very much for your kind help in advance.

Best wishes

Sung-Mi Kim

[Recruitment: part-time Asian linguists for UN project]

Ridgeway Information (https://www.ridgeway-information.com/<https://www.ridgeway-information.com>) is looking to recruit Bengali, Filipino, Sinhala, Tamil, Portuguese and Tetum speakers, who will assist on a project for an independent UN agency.

The project involves development of an online course, which aims to help girls and young women in East and South East Asia to fight disinformation, misinformation and hate speech. The linguists will support translating materials for an online course. The linguists may be asked to provide feedback and guidance for the country-specific content. The online course will be developed for five countries: Bangladesh, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor-Leste.

The linguists will be expected to work January 2021 – May 2021, for up to 3 days per month. We are expecting the day rate to be £130-£160.

If you would like to be considered for this linguist post, please contact Adina Pintilie (adina.pintilie at ridgeway-information.com) with a CV, ASAP.

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