[TimorLesteStudies] New Articles, Book Chapters & Dissertations (March 2021)

Michael Leach mleach at swin.edu.au
Tue Apr 27 20:07:23 AEST 2021


Marisa Goncalves. 2021. Genealogies of Human Rights Ideas in Timor-Leste: “Kultura”, Modernity, and Resistance. Nomadas 53(3): 51-67 https://estudogeral.sib.uc.pt/bitstream/10316/93222/1/Genealogies%20of%20Human%20Rights%20Ideas%20in%20Timor-Leste.pdf
Adriano Remiddi. 2020. When Human Rights Higher Education and Development Cooperation Intersect: The Outreach Work of the Global Campus of Human Rights in Timor-Leste. Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific 10: 255-78 https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/hreap_v10_surveys_and_research3.pdf
Douglas Kammen. 2021. Trouble and strife: demographic shocks, agrarian change and marriage in Portuguese Timor. Asian Population Studies, 4 March https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17441730.2021.1891737
Geoffrey C. Gunn. 2021.Timor-Leste in 2020: Counting the Costs of Coronavirus. Asian Survey 61(1): 155–159. https://online.ucpress.edu/as/article/61/1/155/116346/Timor-Leste-in-2020Counting-the-Costs-of
David Dixon. 2021. ‘Water and Soil, Blood and Oil: Demarcating the Frontiers of Australia, Indonesia and Timor-Leste, in Richard Barnes and Ronán Long, Frontiers in International Environmental Law: Oceans and Climate Challenges, Brill: Nijhoff, pp 43–74 https://brill.com/view/book/9789004372887/BP000004.xml
Naazneen H. Barma. 2021. Do petroleum rents fuel conflict in developing countries? A case study of political instability in Timor-Leste. Energy Research & Social Science, 75, 102018, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214629621001110
Carlos de Deus et al. 2021. O bem-estar dos agregados familiares rurais em Timor-Leste: uma abordagem baseada na programação linear etnográfica. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 59(1) https://www.scielo.br/pdf/resr/v59n1/0103-2003-resr-59-1-e238878.pdf
David W. Haig, et al. 2021. Upper Triassic carbonate-platform facies, Timor-Leste: Foraminiferal indices and regional tectonostratigraphic association. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 570, 110362 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018221001474
Graciano Soares Gomes. 2021. Factors that Encourage the Producers to Maintain Local Pig Production in the Subsistence Raising in East Timor. IJRDO - Journal of Agriculture and Research 7(2):1-4 https://ijrdo.org/index.php/ar/article/view/4158
Alexandra Ribeny, Emilie Dotte-Sarout & Jean-Christophe Galipaud. 2021. Timorese archaeobotany: An anthracological pilot study at the late Holocene Lepu-Kina rockshelter, Atauro Island, East Timor, Australian Archaeology, 22 March https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03122417.2021.1889085
Lucimar França dos Santos Souza et al. 2021. Prática de Letramento em um contexto plurilíngue concorrencial: Uma experiência interdisciplinar em Timor-Leste. Linguística aplicada, dialogismo e práticas sociais 8(30) https://revista.unitins.br/index.php/humanidadeseinovacao/article/view/4678

Professor Michael Leach
Politics and International Relations
Faculty of Health, Arts and Design
Swinburne University of Technology
H98, PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC
Phone: +61 3 9214 5357

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