[LINK] home factory
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Mon Dec 4 16:58:23 AEDT 2006
Another one of things I wasn't sure I'd ever see in my lifetime.
Maybe I will.
> The make-everything machine
> You're at home in the not too distant future when you decide you'd
> like some new garden chairs or a new pair of shoes.
> Instead of heading down to the shops, you jump on-line, select a
> design you like and hit the return key.
> In the corner your ``universal constructor'' unit whirrs into life
> and using a blend of plastics, ceramics and metals quickly fashions
> to order the object you've chosen.
> It sounds like pure science fiction, but British academics are
> leading a campaign for such devices to be installed into homes.
> The University of Bath's RepRap project is fine-tuning a rapid
> prototyper - a kind of 3D model maker - with a view to making it
> affordable and capable of reproducing itself.
> In a breakthrough that could eventually see reprap device spread
> rapidly through the world, one of the machines recently succeeded
> in producing one of its own moving parts.
> ``Initially (the prototyper will make) items like coat hooks, cat
> flaps and combs,'' said project leader, Dr Adrian Bowyer.
> ``But we are already working on getting it to do electronics
> automatically; that will move us up to mobile phones and MP3
> players.''
> Rapid prototyping devices have been around since the 1980s and are
> used to produce components for industry, such as vehicle parts.
> They resemble printers for computers except they produce a 3-D
> rather than 2-D product.
> A three-dimensional model of the object to be created is drawn on a
> computer. A program then converts the model into a series of cross
> sections.
> The cross-section data is sent to a rapid prototyping machine which
> builds the desired object a single layer at a time by laying down
> plastics.
> The end product may require glueing and machines used in the
> process typically cost about $65,000.
> But the Bath team hope to take the concept much further.
> In a project which began in 2005 they are working to develop a
> refrigerator-sized prototyper that would cost just $750 to build
> from plans freely available over the internet.
> It is hoped the devices will ultimately be able to produce products
> made from plastic, ceramic and metal. The team sees a day when most
> consumers would have one of the devices in their homes and ``print
> out'' products as they need them.
> Objects which theoretically could be made by the device include
> clothes, toys, furniture, boats and tools.
> It is also hoped the machines could ultimately produce themselves
> or at least the majority of their components, lowering production
> costs still further.
> Researchers working on the project have constructed three different
> early versions of the prototyping device. In September this year
> one of them succeeded in producing a part for itself.
> ``Before flat screens, every home had a vacuum-tube television,''
> Bowyer said.
> ``RepRap is simpler than a vacuum-tube television, and to get a
> RepRap you just have to ask your neighbour who has one to copy it
> for you - you don't even need to go to a shop.''
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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Democracy imposed from without is the severest form of tyranny.
-- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961
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