[LINK] Future of Community TV

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Fri Dec 8 19:26:24 AEDT 2006

Gawd we started the first public TV broadcasts in 1988.  20 years later the 
same politics and issues constantly arise.  Especially with the licencee 
changeover in the last two years.

I note that access for material made by those "outside" the "clicke" is 
still as available as always.  Not.

Its no surprise the Government gives it little attention or care.  The 
investment wasted by TVS in Sydney to recommence broadcasts was 
stupid.  They shoudl have immediately applied for a parallel digital 
licence, given the slow uptake of digital by consumers it may well have helped.

But as the NSW Government runs it's own Digital TV Channels, with lots of 
useless things on it, one doesn't want a public broadcaster that has no 
reigns to pull up on when things start to become very outspoken.

I just wonder if any of the TVS insiders are actually planning on using TVS 
as a means of spreading Election propaganda.


Sadly several of the production groups we approach to up their production 
qualities seemed to think they can do better themselves.  Most have 
actually lowered their production qualities and lost the special thing that 
made them interesting, now pushing out technically bad and contently bad 
programs that are wasteful of time.

Most of these people are the types that think they will be the Next Rove 
Live, afterall Rove came from C31 in Melbourne with a show of the same 
format.  Only difference is the size of the studio space and the financial 
returns he now makes.

At 01:03 PM 8/12/2006, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
>George Bray wrote:
>>Excellent ABC RN Media Report show on the success of CTV on analogue
>>TV networks and the lack of commitment by government to ensure the
>>same success on the digital spectrum.
>In Sydney, some kind of Analogue lincensing issue has seen the demise of 
>Channel 31...which had some great content!
>>Protect Community Television
>>Target: ABA, Licencing Section, Australian Broadcasting Association
>>Sponsor: rihab charida
>>     * Signatures: 1,788
>>     * Goal: 2,000
>>     * Deadline: 3-10-2004
>>Community Television Sydney Channel 31 is the only television Network 
>>that gives a voice to Sydney's community. CTS' broadcasting license is up 
>>for re
>>Channel 31 starts again in Sydney
>>Submitted by Flashman on Mon, 2005-11-21 07:00.
>>Early last year, Sydney's only free-to-air community television channel 
>>went off the air, when the ABA (now ACMA) transferred the licence from 
>>CTS to Television Sydney. The decision sparked protests on account of the 
>>fact that TVS wouldn't be up and running for over a year.
>Marghanita da Cruz
>Telephone: 0414-869202
>Ramin Communications Pty Ltd
>ABN: 027-089-713-084
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