[Fwd: Re: [LINK] Einstein's fridge an example for NICTA?]

Brendan Scott brendansweb at optusnet.com.au
Wed Dec 13 21:10:12 AEDT 2006

Evan.ARTHUR at Dest.gov.au wrote:
> As a hopefully useful contribution to this fun discussion, data on
> actual dollars obtained by universities through commercialisation
> activities, plus a bunch of reports on the overall issue can be found
> at:
> http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/research_sector/policies_issues_reviews/k
> ey_issues/commercialisation/default.htm
> As always, sorry about the interminable URL.  
> In case you were wondering, overall policy does not in any way equate
> value from public ally funded research with commercial returns.  Even in
> the area of commercialisation the following quote from the most recent
> cross Government look at the issue may be of interest:  
> "...for Australia's publicly funded research, 'research
> commercialisation' be defined as the means by which universities' and
> PFRAs' (ie Publicly Funded Research Agencies) research generates
> commercial benefit, thereby contributing to Australia's economic, social
> and environmental well-being. This is achieved through developing
> intellectual property, ideas, know-how and research-based skills
> resulting in new and improved products, services and business processes
> transferable to the private sector."
> And while I am at it, the issue of open access to research publications
> has nothing much to do with commercialisation.  If you are really too

IMHO "commercialisation" in this context means anything which puts the material is a position where it can be used by others in the course of their work or business.  So, it has quite a lot to do with commercialisation - or it would do if the licences chosen permitted use and modification rather than the "look and don't touch" attitude which seems so prevalent within academic circles.  


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