[LINK] Eudora email moves to open source

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Tue Nov 14 17:51:54 AEDT 2006

On 2006/Nov/14, at 4:54 PM, Ivan Trundle wrote:
> But Mailman wraps at 75 chars, too, does it not?

I don't think it does.  I'm pretty sure from much testing that Apple  
Mail.app does this.  If 2 systems (for instance Apple Mail and  
mailman) were both wrapping and had slightly different number of  
characters it would be very noticeable.

> On 14/11/2006, at 1:30 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:
>> On 2006/Nov/14, at 1:14 PM, Ivan Trundle wrote:
>>> On 14/11/2006, at 12:32 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:
>>>> Apple Mail wraps text at 75 characters, and it's not  
>>>> configurable - it even wraps URLs and adds a space!!  And of  
>>>> course the date problem.
>>> It doesn't wrap text at 75 chars for me.
>> You don't notice it because Apple Mail also unwraps Apple Mail  
>> wrapped text.  Here's a recent email from you to link.  I don't  
>> know if you will see this as wrapped but it is.  Try looking at  
>> the raw source.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +61 2 61258620 M: +61 417820641  F: +61 2 6230 6121
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