off topic ...Re: [LINK] Leave on, or turn off?

Ivan Trundle ivan at
Thu Nov 30 17:25:15 AEDT 2006

On 30/11/2006, at 4:56 PM, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:

> Ivan,
> I thought we were doing quite well avoiding the terrible car analagy.
> <snip>

> m
> PS I have a different brand loyalty.

My brand loyalties are quite different, too - I was merely using  
examples here. I didn't think the analogy was that bad, though - or  
is it a 'terrible car' analogy that you refer to? ;->

I still believe that the whole issue of computer reliability is far  
too complex to do justice in such an ad hoc fashion, though. Too many  
variables, too many options, both environmental and operational.

On the other hand, Stewart has asked a question, albeit rather vague,  
which might prompt some interesting data to surface.

However, I suspect that anecdotal evidence will far outweigh anything  
else, including reliability surveys (which are published from time to  
time, and appear to be of little interest to consumers).


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