[LINK] DCITA ICT advisory committee

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Mon Sep 4 16:31:51 AEST 2006

There is a world of difference between creating ICT and using ICT.

Most of the people on the committee are associated with the creation of 
ICT and the rest appear to be business people who may be familiar with 
investment stratgies, but don't really have much experience in 
developing Information Systems.

 From the report, it would seem that the The Ministerial ICT advisory 
group is supposed to advise on both aspects of ICT. Given the lack of 
skills and knowledge in the system development area, the group is likely 
to provide very lopsided advice, potentially tainted with self interest.



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Sydney Australia
brd at iimetro.com.au

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