[LINK] Moved to Linux

rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Mon Sep 11 18:17:35 AEST 2006


Thanks for the various comments ... I know that I'm leaving my chin 
exposed here, but the simple fact was that Linspire had the easiest 
download instructions and locations. Yes, this is a newbie concern, but 
I'm a newbie.

So: click on the Ubuntu d/l link and I end up at a Planet Mirror 
directory looking like:
> Jan 01 1970 AM 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-powerpc.template/?fl=> 
> ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.list/*ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.list/* 
> /-/- Jan 01 1970 AM 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.list/?fl=>
> ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.list/*ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.list/* 
> /-/- Jan 01 1970 AM 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.list/?fl=>
> ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-powerpc.list/*ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-powerpc.list/* 
> /-/- Jan 01 1970 AM 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-powerpc.list/?fl=>
> ubuntu-6.06.1-server-amd64.list/*ubuntu-6.06.1-server-amd64.list/* 
> /-/- 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-server-amd64.list/?fl=> 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-server-amd64.list/?fl=>
...etc; and each of these internally looks like:
> *ubuntu* archive or 
> /pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.list/ could not 
> be found! Try to go up on the file tree by clicking: 
> /pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.list 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.list>
> /pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06 
> <http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06>
...and so on. There are two possible answers; (1) is to get pigheaded 
and say "I'll find the best location no matter if I have to spend an 
hour"; (2) is "there must be an easier way". I took the easy way, 
because this is not "badge of honour" stuff and I had other things to do!

The print driver issue doesn't warrant any more go-around. There are 
print drivers like CUPS and foo-something that include the 2600n; CUPS 
of them simply didn't work for that printer (look at various forums, I'm 
not alone here), and the "foo" driver's installation instructions were 
quite out of scale for the task (ie, I won't read War and Peace just for 
a print driver). Cest la vie, the printer works for now!


Robin Stephens wrote:
> On 9/11/06, Richard Chirgwin <rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au> wrote:
>> Replying to a couple of other posts, without particularly remembering
>> who to quote:
>> - I haven't worked out where fast user switching is to be found in
>> Linspire. This won't worry me most of the time as there's only a single
>> user account anyhow.
> In Ubuntu,
> System->Quit->Switch User
> Then ctrl-alt-f7 and ctrl-alt-f8 to switch back and forward.
>> - Linspire instead of Ubuntu: for the drivers. The primary user of this
>> machine is my wife; she mostly uses it for work, and so my own "comfort
>> zone" is that I don't have to try and diagnose "something isn't working"
>> over the phone.
> http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/
> Loads all the commercial winmodem, graphics card, etc drivers.
> Installs and configures all DVD playing, burning, browser plugins,
> Java, the works.
>> - HPLIP's claims to support the 2600n are smoke; I wasted a couple of
>> hours on it. Whereas pretending the printer is an Apple LasterWriter and
>> letting Ghostscript do the rest works just fine. Because the 2600n
>> doesn't accept PDF printing, I can't just treat it as a generic printer.
> Listed as mostly supported under CUPS.  Should just plugin and work
> Robin

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