[LINK] Moved to Linux

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Tue Sep 12 12:30:37 AEST 2006

Pilcher, Fred wrote:
> Marghanita wrote:
>>My notes on Linux are at www.ramin.com.au/linux
> Thanks Marghanita. My experience is similar. I've tried every Linux distro that I could get my hands on over a period of a couple of years. It was fun to tinker and I loved it, but with my limited knowledge nothing could let me make the switch. K/Ubuntu came close, but though Dapper Drake would connect to my wireless network while I was running it live, as soon as I installed it the wireless became unworkable. "Go figure" as the Yanks say. Finally Simply Mepis did the trick perfectly, and I'm sure my sighs of relief were heard for miles. That fixed the kids' PCs.

One of the outstanding issues, I do have with Ubuntu "Breezy
Badger" (predecessor to Dapper Drake) is control over the firewire port.
I have to run Kino  (the Video Capture/editing software) under root
otherwise the AV control over the camera doesn't work

I don't think this is a shortcoming in Ubuntu more in the setup of
Kino/User privileges...perhaps this is where your problem lies too.

> Min PC, which was wired to the router, didn't need the wireless connection and SuSE 10 was so good that I settled on it and, later, 10.1, followed by SLED 10. Puppy has revived an old clunker that was acting as a doorstop, too.
> But I still need to keep a Windows box running for my Canon scanner and printer (though all the Linux boxes print beautifully to my shared HP Laserjet 5L connected to the Windows box). 
> If Canon ever release drivers I'll finally be able to say "goodbye Windows".

It is a while back since I looked into the details of printer drivers
etc, now, but don't HP printers use Canon engines?

In the camera/video world Canon Camcorder/camera works very well via the
PTP/USB/flashcard and firewire/minidvtape under Ubuntu.

Marghanita da Cruz
Ramin Communications
Phone: 0414-869202
Email: marghanita at ramin.com.au

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