[LINK] Moved to Linux

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Wed Sep 13 17:44:03 AEST 2006

On 2006 Sep 13, at 5:17 PM, Ivan Trundle wrote:

> On 13/09/2006, at 4:59 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> <snip>
>>> The real problem with computers is that everything is trash. It's  
>>> unbelievable that in one of the most expensive items of household  
>>> spending, people are expected to put up with rubbish hardware  
>>> *and* software *and* incompatible systems.
>> Nice rant.  Not only are they expensive but they are about the  
>> worst investment possible.  They lose value in themselves and in  
>> comparison to the current market.
> Nope, there are *plenty* of worse 'investments'. Try cars. Try  
> almost anything for which it is possible to buy better, faster,  
> cheaper, snazzier, more-fashionable, etc.

Yeah but computers really do change - get faster, cheaper, more  
powerful all the time.  There is the old Bill Gates quote, not great  
but you get the idea:
"If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we  
would all be driving $25 cars that got 1000 MPG"

> I've got daily-use computers sitting here which are still providing  
> trouble-free service, _well_ beyond their use-by date (whatever  
> that was meant to be - my accountant and tax agent have other ideas).
> I'm very pleased with my investment, and even though I've had my  
> share of 'faults' in both hardware and software, I'm perfectly  
> satisfied with what I'm using - and I don't need much help to keep  
> the whole lot running. Basically, the hardware just works, and the  
> software has proved to be a very good set-up overall.
> But there appears to be an expectation that computers are  
> 'difficult', or 'troublesome', or that they require constant  
> attention. Not here, thankfully... Perhaps it's my choice of  
> hardware and software, but I doubt it.

I guess I just like keeping up with the latest ;-)

> I suspect that the most expensive items of household spending might  
> encompass furniture, large-screen TVs, air-conditioning, and other  
> toys. It would be interesting to know, however.

Mobile phones, digital cameras?

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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