[LINK] Open Data Models

rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Fri Sep 15 19:15:22 AEST 2006

brd at iimetro.com.au wrote:

> That's software. I'm talking about data models - data definitions, 
> entities,
> relationships etc, for specific industries.
> In banking, for instance, how do they define a customer? What is the 
> standard
> data associated with a customer - name, address, accounts, (types and 
> numbers).
> What data do they hold on an account - transactions, owner, type, 
> restrictions
> on opening one, who can operate it, get statements etc.?

Not in banking but in plenty of pursuits.

Open data models for linguistig field data:

Genome biology

Open data models for supply chain management in various industries, too 
many to bother listing.

Electronics uses open data models so that my design transistor = your 
design transistor.

Guess it depends on whether you're in an industry where the "raw data" 
is the value, or whether your using raw data as a utility (so to speak).

What was that about open suicide? Shrivel, sonny.


> Quoting Howard Lowndes <lannet at lannet.com.au>:
>> SQL-Ledger for accounting - uses PostgreSQL
>> os-Commerce and Zencart for shop sites - uses MySQL
>> brd at iimetro.com.au wrote:
>>> We've talked a lot about open source software, does anyone know if 
>>> there are
>>> such things as open (source) data models, specifically for 
>>> industries like
>>> Finance, Banking, Insurance etc?
>> -- 
>> Howard.
>> LANNet Computing Associates - Your Linux people <http://lannetlinux.com>
>> When you want a computer system that works, just choose Linux;
>> When you want a computer system that works, just, choose Microsoft.
>> -- 
>> Flatter government, not fatter government; abolish the Australian 
>> states.
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