[LINK] Open Data Models

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Mon Sep 18 09:31:10 AEST 2006

rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au wrote:
> brd at iimetro.com.au wrote:
>> That's software. I'm talking about data models - data definitions, 
>> entities,
>> relationships etc, for specific industries.
>> In banking, for instance, how do they define a customer? What is the 
>> standard
>> data associated with a customer - name, address, accounts, (types and 
>> numbers).
>> What data do they hold on an account - transactions, owner, type, 
>> restrictions
>> on opening one, who can operate it, get statements etc.?
> Not in banking but in plenty of pursuits.
> Open data models for linguistig field data:
> http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.DL/0305053
> Genome biology
> http://genomebiology.com/2005/6/5/R47
> Open data models for supply chain management in various industries, too 
> many to bother listing.
> Electronics uses open data models so that my design transistor = your 
> design transistor.
> Guess it depends on whether you're in an industry where the "raw data" 
> is the value, or whether your using raw data as a utility (so to speak).
> What was that about open suicide? Shrivel, sonny.
> RC
...not sure if this is relevant, but someone remarked to me recently,
that they spent several years working on EFTPOS standards some years ago
with little to show for it...so maybe the problem is open standards
rather than open source.

...the interesting issue here is whether it is the banks or vendors that 
control them...

for example, in the telco industry I would say the vendors wield more 
power than any telco.

>> Quoting Howard Lowndes <lannet at lannet.com.au>:
>>> SQL-Ledger for accounting - uses PostgreSQL
>>> os-Commerce and Zencart for shop sites - uses MySQL
>>> brd at iimetro.com.au wrote:
>>>> We've talked a lot about open source software, does anyone know if 
>>>> there are
>>>> such things as open (source) data models, specifically for 
>>>> industries like
>>>> Finance, Banking, Insurance etc?
>>> -- 
>>> Howard.
>>> LANNet Computing Associates - Your Linux people <http://lannetlinux.com>
>>> When you want a computer system that works, just choose Linux;
>>> When you want a computer system that works, just, choose Microsoft.
>>> -- 
>>> Flatter government, not fatter government; abolish the Australian 
>>> states.
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Marghanita da Cruz
Ramin Communications
Phone: 0414-869202
Email: marghanita at ramin.com.au

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