[LINK] Re: DNA Coil

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Sep 26 00:43:47 AEST 2006

Hi there,

No negative reviews of this www.pubmed.gov paper thus far ..

Medical Hypotheses. 2000 Aug;55(2):160-3  http://www.pubmed.gov 

'Human body frequency modulation by 0.9% sodium chloride solutions: a new 
paradigm and perspective for human health.'

Sudan BJ.

This case study demonstrates that the normal human body frequency, which 
can be disturbed by electromagnetic influences of the environment, can be 
modulated by 0.9% sodium chloride solutions (physiological saline) and 
that occurrence of allergic reactions have subsequently been suppressed 
as a result of this modulation. The use of distilled water as control 
showed no effect on occurrence of allergic reactions. (snip) These 
original observations propose a new strategy to suppress or prevent 
allergic reactions and possibly other effects observed in various human 
pathologies in relation to a disturbance of human body frequencies. It is 
hypothesized that the double helix structure of desoxyribonucleic acid 
(DNA) could be modified by environmental electromagnetic fields and that 
disresonance between the two chains of DNA could lead to the expression 
of specific pathology. 

Copyright 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
PMID: 10904434 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cheers all ..
Stephen Loosley

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