[LINK] Environmental impact of web versus print

rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Wed Sep 27 17:58:14 AEST 2006

Kim Holburn wrote:

> On 2006 Sep 27, at 1:47 PM, Darrell Burkey wrote:
>> Another thing I haven't seen mentioned here that bothers me a great  
>> deal
>> is that both CRT and LCD monitors are transmitted light (backlit for
>> lack of a scientific term). When you read off of paper the light
>> illuminationg the text is reflected and bounced back to the eye which
>> has a much more compressed contrast range. There is a huge difference
>> and I find my eyes sensitive to viewing a monitor for too long. Most
>> monitors are typically turned up far too high in brightness/contrast
>> causing the fonts to bleed and the large areas of white space tend to
>> bother me as well.
> There is a huge physiological difference between CRT and LCD.  With  
> CRT you are looking at a single point of light.  Moving very fast but  
> still a single point so you are looking a screen that is flashing and  
> changing constantly.  With LCD every pixel is lit  all the time,   
> changes are limited to the pixels that are actually changing as  
> opposed to CRT where the screen is constantly changing.  There is no  
> comparison.
> LCD is much more like real stuff especially in terms of the way the  
> eyes work.  I'm not sure that the difference between reflected and  
> transmitted light is all that great really.  "Much more compressed  
> range"?  What do you mean exactly?

Not what I meant, but I know what Craig was referring to ... "dynamic 
range", that is, the difference between darkest and lightest. In sound 
you would talk of decibels difference from softest and loudest.  The 
screen emits light, therefore in most conditions the difference between 
brightest and darkest is probably greater than looking at a piece of paper.


> -- 
> Kim Holburn
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