[LINK] O/T the collective unconscious

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Sep 29 03:22:17 AEST 2006


The collective unconscious

Jung's concept of the collective unconscious has often been mis-
understood.  In order to understand this concept, it is essential to 
understand his idea of the archetype, something foreign to the highly 
rational, scientifically-oriented Western mind.

The collective unconscious could be thought of as the DNA of the human 

Just as all humans share a common physical heritage and predisposition 
towards specific physical forms (two legs, a heart, etc.) so all humans 
have a common psychological predisposition. 

However, unlike the quantifiable information that composes DNA (in the 
form of coded sequences of nucleotides), the collective unconscious is 
composed of archetypes.

In contrast to the objective material world, the subjective realm of 
archetypes can not be fully plumbed through quantitative modes of 

Instead it can be revealed more fully through an examination of the  
symbolic communications of the  human psyche  ­ in art, dreams, religion, 
myth, and the themes of human relational / behavioral patterns ..  Jung 
theorized that symbolic themes exist across all cultures, all epochs, and 
in every individual..

haha .. pondering the meaning of life is probably another archetype

Regards Link
Stephen Loosley
Melbourne, Australia

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