[LINK] Symantec admits its Mac OS X spyware prediction was wrong
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Fri Sep 29 09:17:26 AEST 2006
I guess this would apply to linux as well.
> Symantec's OS X spyware prediction in flames
> By Munir Kotadia, ZDNet Australia
> 28 September 2006 05:46 PM
> Symantec published its 10th Internet Threat Report this week and
> quietly admitted a few days later that its predictions of
> increasing Mac-targeted spyware threats have not been realised.
> Unsurprisingly, Symantec didn't make any mention of its inaccurate
> prediction in the latest report, so I thought I would ask about the
> omission.
> It seems Mac spyware was not mentioned this time around because
> there were no new dangerous Mac-related threats in the first six
> months of the year.
> "Symantec didn't include the top 10 attackers or the top 10
> malicious codes for this report. What they chose to do instead was
> to focus on the top 10 new attacks with malicious code and there
> were no threats that registered in the top 10 category that
> pertained to Mac OS X," according to a Symantec spokesperson.
> "[Symantec] just focused on new attacks and Mac OS X wasn't [the
> target] of any of them," the spokesperson said.
Kim Holburn
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