[LINK] Re: The Next Ten Years

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Aug 10 09:13:51 AEST 2007

Glen Turner wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 08:55 +1000, Tom Worthington wrote:
>> The next ten years is easy. The Minister wanted to know what would 
>> happen in the next 30 years.  ;-)
> The year is 1977. Could you have anticipated:
>  - the Internet
>      probably not.
>  - the spreadsheet
>      unlikely, there was a fierce academic debate about
>      computers and "knowledge workers" and the big guns
>      were on the side of their complete replacement by
>      artificial intelligence rather than augmenting them
>      with productivity-focused computing support.

In 1982, in my first job, I was still programming the Orani Econometric model of 
the Australian Economy in FORTRAN, and programming memory management on a CYBER 
76...boy was the the spreadsheet long overdue.

> We're at the limits in a lot of communications technolgoies
> now. Battery lifetimes now improve in single digit percentages,
> we can't build faster CPUs without water cooling, hard disk
> drive have only doubled in speed in the past ten years.

I think you are separating the engineering from the application -to my mind, 
technology is the combination of both. I was going to guess that cross language 
communication would happen. Interpreters would become available to the ordinary 

The following Courtesy of 
<http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=en|ar> (note following lines 
left my computer in arabic, chinese,russian scripts)
 > أعتقد أنك تفصل الهندسه من تطبيق التكنولوجيا هي مزيج من الاثنين. كنت أريد ان 
أخمن عبر لغة الاتصال سيحدث. المترجمون ستصبح متاحة لشخص عادي.

> 我認為你是在分離工程,從應用技術則是兩者兼而有之.我正想猜想的跨語言溝通的情況便會發生.譯員將成為提供給普通的人

> Думаю, что Вы отделения инженерного применения технологии является сочетание. Я собирался догадаться, что через язык сообщения, что произойдет. Переводчики станет доступной для обычного человека.

and for good measure maybe even Hindi or given the significance of Bangalore - 

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: 0414 869202

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