[LINK] web information architecture - what are the issues you see?

andrew clarke mail at ozzmosis.com
Wed Aug 15 13:22:41 AEST 2007

On Wed, Aug 15, 2007 at 12:49:29PM +1000, Eric Scheid wrote:

> Sure, there are lots of issues with web design practice in general. Lots of
> people don't like all the flashy graphics and stuff. What I'm really hoping
> for, by asking the Link Institute constituency, are insights that go deeper
> than just the surface presentation issues, that ask difficult questions
> about the very structure of how we organise all the many pages of a website.

If done properly, web sites that support RSS (or Atom) aggregation are
extremely beneficial in allowing frequent users of a site to access new
information quickly within their aggregator software (or a web
aggregator like Google Reader or Bloglines), without necessarily having
to actually visit that site.

It can also eliminate some of the presentation and organisational issues
of web sites, giving the user more control in how they navigate those

I'd especially like to see more Australian government sites support RSS.
For example, http://www.dpc.vic.gov.au/4A256811001D78BF/WebWhatsNew?OpenView
is just asking for an RSS feed.


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