[LINK] Fwd: [aliaACTive] Review of the Extension of Legal Deposit

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Sun Dec 2 15:24:17 AEDT 2007

Re our discussion about archiving video material

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Missingham, Roxanne (DPS)" <Roxanne.Missingham at aph.gov.au>
> Date: 26 October 2007 2:52:04 PM
> To: <aliaACTIVE at lists.alia.org.au>, "aglin list"  
> <aliaaglin at lists.alia.org.au>, "Sue Little"  
> <sue.little at lib.monash.edu.au>
> Subject: [aliaACTive] Review of the Extension of Legal Deposit
> Dear Colleagues
> Pam Gatenby, Assistant Director-General, Collections Management,  
> National Library of Australia, has asked that this Attorney  
> General's Department discussion paper be brought to the attention  
> of Australian libraries.  It is a very important issue which has  
> been on the agenda for a number of years and many countries around  
> the world have now adopted legislation which provides for legal  
> deposit of digital material.
> The paper can be found online at http://www.ag.gov.au/www/agd/ 
> agd.nsf/Page/RWP6C58A15A095D9476CA25737200035E3E and the web page  
> introduces the paper as follows:
> Review of the Extension of Legal Deposit
> Closing Date for Submissions is 11 January 2008
> The purpose of this discussion paper is to invite comment on the  
> feasibility of extending the current legal deposit scheme to  
> include audiovisual and electronic material. This paper is intended  
> to inform and assist with public consultations on this issue.
> The current legal deposit scheme requires Australian publishers of  
> ‘library material’ to deposit copies of that material with the  
> National Library of Australia. ‘Library material’ includes all  
> paper-based publications, books, pamphlets, sheet music and  
> periodicals that are published in Australia.
> The scheme currently does not apply to films, sound recordings or  
> other materials in an electronic form, such as web material or  
> books published electronically, and therefore the Legal Deposit  
> Scheme may not effectively serve its purpose of building a broad  
> national collection of culturally significant material.
> A review of the legal deposit scheme raises issues for arts policy,  
> national collections policy, information technology policy and  
> copyright law policy. For this reason the examination of the legal  
> deposit scheme is being undertaken jointly by the Attorney- 
> General’s Department and the Department of Communications,  
> Information Technology and the Arts.
> The discussion paper sets out the scope of the Legal Deposit Scheme  
> at present. It also assesses the current arrangements for  
> collecting audiovisual and electronic material. It goes on to  
> discuss what the scope of an extended Legal Deposit Scheme should  
> be by looking at whether there should be comprehensive or selective  
> depositing of material, how material would be collected and stored  
> and how the material would be accessed and used under an extended  
> scheme.
> Submissions are invited from interested parties on the matters  
> covered in this paper. Submissions should be made by 11 January  
> 2008. Further details about making submissions can be found in the  
> discussion paper.
> In preparing your submission you may wish to comment on the  
> questions related to the issues raised and listed in the Discussion  
> Paper. The questions are provided as a guide for submitters and are  
> not intended to be exhaustive or to restrict feedback on any other  
> relevant issues.
> I encourage you to discuss the issue and make submissions.  ALIA  
> will be making a submission.
> Regards
> Roxanne Missingham
> _______________________________________________
> aliaACTive mailing list
> aliaACTive at lists.alia.org.au
> http://lists.alia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/aliaactive

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