[LINK] fta.gov.au ???

Tom Worthington Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Wed Dec 5 09:50:57 AEDT 2007

I wrote Sat, 01 Dec 2007 13:58:35 +1100:
>... The web site has been replaced with "Site content is being updated". ...

The FTA web site is now back at <http://www.fta.gov.au/>, minus the 
photo of the previous Minister and quote from him. It is not clear 
why the whole web site had to be taken down for several days so one 
photo and one paragraph could be removed from one page. This should 
have been a few minutes work, with no interruption to service.

According to "Sites offline after Ruddslide", Karen Dearne, 
Australian IT, 4 December  2007 
the Australian Government Information Management Office advised 
departments to review material on their websites.  But I doubt they 
were told to take the web sites down until the review was complete.

Also I had a call from National Archives to say that additional 
advice was being issued to agencies to remind them they were required 
to archive the old versions of the web sites.

For the last few days I have been at the "Enterprise 2.0" conference 
discussing Wikis, Blogs and the like for use in organisations 
<http://www.tomw.net.au/blog/labels/Enterprise%202.0.html>. Perhaps 
the Trade ministry should take the plunge and make their web site a 
Wiki which any employee can edit. As the system would track who made 
what change when, this would not be as risky as it sounds.

Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                      http://www.tomw.net.au/
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, ANU  

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