[LINK] NetAlert Campaign 'truth' finally coming out

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Sun Dec 16 17:25:41 AEDT 2007

On 15/12/07 4:59 PM, "Ivan Trundle" <ivan at itrundle.com> wrote:
> I can heartily recommend reading the recent tome, 'Word Watching:
> field notes from an amateur philologist', by Julian Burnside (QC and
> refugee advocate), for a view of how the government uses language in
> its propaganda wars with the public. One small example of related
> comment: <http://www.users.bigpond.com/burnside/HRights.htm>

Since Julian Burside gets a plug, I might also mention that I'm currently
reading his book "Watching Brief: Reflections on human rights, law and
justice". Similarly cheerful double-speak is exposed. ;)

One example: We learn that in the plans to the Baxter Detention Centre, the
9000V electric fence is referred to as a "courtesy fence". Lovely.

Then again, if we call them "detention centres" as if refugees are kept in
after school to write out a hundred lines, rather than what the actually are
-- concentration camps -- then we're already in some weird parallel


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
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