[LINK] Fwd: Being a Spy Technology Creator

Jan Whitaker jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Mon Dec 31 08:11:13 AEDT 2007

>Being a Spy Technology Creator
>It's quite hard being a CEO of a giant tech company. Especially if 
>you don't want anyone to know you exist.
>Hi, I'm David Pigmaleon, I am CEO (chief executive officer) of 
>Pigmaleon Software Corporation Limited. We make spy software.
>Worried about your phone being tapped? Worried that your computer is 
>telling us what you're typing on facebook? if not, you should be, 
>we're very good.
>We don't make software for the highest bidder, instead we make it 
>for governments and agencies who vow to keep our name secret, 
>because after all they are better at that than anyone in the tech industry.
>Take Apple for example, the most secret of tech companies, but all 
>their technology is leaked in various forms before it is launched, 
>if we had such leaks, we wouldn't be in business.
>So we get assistance from the best in the business, who keep our 
>stuff secret, safe and secure. Nobody knows, nobody cares, that's 
>what we like, and we'd like to keep it that way.
>Of course, I myself am quite wealthy from my business, I go to 
>parties, I meet pretty ladies. What do I tell them? I am an 
>entrepreneur. I own oil, or something. They don't particularly like 
>the oil business per say, but it's a good compromise between evil 
>technology company and public hero, that way women just forget about 
>what they think I do, and care only about the money. They wont ask questions.
>You might think that my company, which by the way boasts over 10,000 
>employees, is the type of one that creates the spyware that you find 
>occupying and slowing down your computer. Well, our stuff is a 
>little better than that. For example, if you were to employ a 
>spyware detection programme, such as AdAware, on any system we have 
>infected, you would find 0 results. That's right, zero, nada, 
>nothing. Our stuff is so light, it wont slow down your computer, it 
>loads at boot time and you'd never find it.
>Believe it or not, it's the same technology that prevented Y2K from 
>ever happening.
>I'd love to tell you more, but alas, it's not what I'm here to do, 
>and I'd be dead if I tried.
>Until next time. If there is a next time.

Jan Whitaker
JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
personal: http://www.janwhitaker.com/personal/
commentary: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/

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