[LINK] Fwd: vip-l: Fwd: Article: Blind Americans demand Web access; Target fights back

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Wed Jan 10 22:15:05 AEDT 2007

On 10/01/2007, at 9:57 PM, Jan Whitaker wrote:

> [sorry about the ragged lines]
>> This story appeared on Network World at
>> www.networkworld.com/news/2007/010508-target.html
>> Blind Americans demand Web access; Target fights back
>> Court battle expected to heat up in coming months
>> By Jon Brodkin, Network World, 01/05/07
>> Retailer Target's refusal to make its Web site more accessible to the
>> blind
>> has fueled a high-profile court battle that is causing many  
>> companies to
>> quietly upgrade their Web sites in the hopes of avoiding negative
>> publicity
>> and legal liability.
>> The case will unfold over the next several months, but a federal  
>> judge
>> has
>> already dismissed Target's claim that Americans with Disabilities Act
>> prohibitions against discrimination do not apply to commercial Web
>> sites.

Anyone aware of what the basis of Target's claim was? I'm interested  
to know how they went about formulating a legal argument to  
discriminate, and on what grounds.


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