Straw Poll was Re: [LINK] Straw Pole of Good Bad and ugly online government services

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at
Fri Jan 19 09:45:15 AEDT 2007

Ivan Trundle wrote:
> Still trying to visualise a straw pole... (How long is it? Can it be  
> used in place of tomato steaks?)
OK, wrong word see

Some snippets from yesterday's
  >> Seventh Canberra WSG meeting
<> redevelopment Talk:
*sexy looking websites with people not boats is what the client is 
looking for

Accessibility Talk:
*most commonly misspelt word on Government websites is "Australia"
*developing and having useful standards adopted is difficult.

Hitwise Talk:
*Australia has over 5000 government websites
UK around 1500 and the US around 3000!

*Most popular Aust government site is Bureau of Meteorology,

*Wikipedia is outdoing the other encyclopedia's...

*And no surprise for anyone that has looked at their own website stats...
Google is by far the most popular website

Marghanita da Cruz
Telephone: 0414-869202
Ramin Communications Pty Ltd
ABN: 027-089-713-084

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