[LINK] Australian internet problems

Stephen Loosley stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Jul 6 19:52:25 AEST 2007

At 05:48 PM 6/07/2007, Antony Barry wrote:

> Linkers My internet connection went out from ~15:30 to ~17:30.
> My ISP seemed to think it was a major failure across much of the
> country. Anybody  else had problems? Tony

Tony .. the VRN academic and research network <http://www.vrn.edu.au/>
network flow graphs (both up and down) are normal. For example for "All
targets Overview  - Victorian Regional Network Real Time Flow Statistics"
graphs for our 10 Vic Universities see here <http://photon.vrn.edu.au/mrtg/> 

Cheers, Tony
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Asutralia

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