[LINK] Fwd: Legislative Instruments and Statutory Rules

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Fri Jun 1 02:57:23 AEST 2007

We must note their passing.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sue Little <sue.little at lib.monash.edu.au>
> Date: 31 May 2007 10:04:08 AM
> To: oz-govpubs-l at its.monash.edu.au
> Subject: Legislative Instruments and Statutory Rules
> Dear all,
> more detailed information about Legislative Instruments and  
> Statutory Rules from Noel Bugeia
> regards Sue
> From:
> Noel Bugeia, Assistant Secretary Legislative Services and  
> Publication Unit
> Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing
> "I can confirm that after publication of the 2004 volumes, no new  
> volumes of
> Legislative Instruments will be produced in printed form. However,  
> tables of
> contents and subject indexes are maintained on ComLaw in electronic  
> form and
> this will continue.
> The 'green' sets of volumes included all the 'Statutory Rules'.   
> This series
> was created by the passage of the Statutory Rules Publication Act  
> 1903 and
> ceased on 1 January 2005 following the commencement of the Legislative
> Instruments Act 2003 (LIA).  With the advent of the Federal  
> Register of
> Legislative Instruments (FRLI), electronic versions of statutory rules
> (essentially regulations) became the definitive ones, along with  
> those of
> other legislative instruments.  The printed versions have lost  
> their special
> status.
> It could be argued that a Legislative Instruments Series now  
> exists.  It
> would include all instruments registered on the FRLI.  However, to  
> publish
> this "series" yearly in bound volumes would be expensive and  
> impractical.
> Each set would likely include over 15 volumes which is at least  
> three times
> the size of the old Statutory Rules yearly volume sets.  They would  
> include
> a very large number of instruments with very poor formatting and of  
> little
> interest to most users eg Air Worthiness Directives and Tariff  
> Concession
> Orders.
> The Department has instead created an informal series called the  
> 'Select
> Legislative Instruments' series (SLI).  This was done because it  
> was decided
> to continue publishing regulations - arguably the most important  
> Legislative
> Instruments - systematically in pamphlet form as a service to those  
> who had
> come to rely on them, providing them free to certain libraries and  
> keeping
> their sale price for others much lower than the on-demand cost  
> would be.
> However, the cost of continuing to provide the annual volumes as  
> well is too
> great to justify it especially as the definitive versions of the  
> regulations
> are the electronic versions."
> -- 
> Susan Little
> Subject Librarian Anthropology,Sociology, Communications
> Reference Librarian Government Publications
> Matheson Library,Monash University,
> Wellington Road, Clayton, Vic. 3800 Australia
> Phone: +61.3.9905.2654
> Fax:+61.3.9905.2610
> Email: Sue.little at lib.monash.edu.au

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