[LINK] Fwd: Legislative Instruments and Statutory Rules

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Fri Jun 1 09:29:07 AEST 2007

At 02:57 AM 1/06/2007, Antony Barry wrote:
>>The Department has instead created an informal series called the
>>'Select Legislative Instruments' series (SLI).  This was done because it
>>was decided to continue publishing regulations - arguably the most 
>>Legislative Instruments - systematically in pamphlet form as a 
>>service to those
>>who had come to rely on them, providing them free to certain libraries and
>>keeping their sale price for others much lower than the on-demand cost
>>would be. However, the cost of continuing to provide the annual volumes as
>>well is too great to justify it especially as the definitive 
>>versions of the
>>regulations are the electronic versions."

Question: does this mean if you are in remote Australia, you have no 
right to government regulation information unless you can get to an 
internet connection? Are they at all considering intermediaries to 
support people who do not have access directly, where the 
intermediary would print out pages from the net for the person who 
needs the info? Anyone on here know?


Jan Whitaker
JLWhitaker Associates, Melbourne Victoria
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
personal: http://www.janwhitaker.com/personal/
commentary: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/

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