[LINK] The Australian Stock Report?

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Jun 5 14:16:38 AEST 2007


As many, many Link list members will know, I am a close follower
of the Australian Stock Exchange, and various Derivative markets.

Recently I have had dealings with the 'Australian Stock Report' which
is an on-line specialist in advising people on the Aussie Stock market.


and also see <http://www.igmarkets.com.au/>

Given the nature of the Link membership, one would expect that numbers
of Linkers have or might intend to have dealings with this organization?

I have interesting first-hand information regarding their company ethics,
specifically relating to third world countries, and also of their verbal
advice regarding the tax affairs of subscribers and Australian Tax Office.

Before relating this information gained from first hand experience, one
would like to request that if Linkers have also had any dealings with this
company, they contact me off-list and privately, and relate their opinion
regarding this investment advisory group. 

They also have links with IG Markets, which is a major world online CFD
Derivatives trading group.  

I'm sure our experience will be interesting to the journalists, political 
groups / advisors etc whom are Link subscribers, and for Linkers etc whom
may be intending to have dealings with either of these two organizations.

I will collate and report this information back to our Link member "think
tank" shortly.


Cheers all ..
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Australia

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