[LINK] Apple's web browser available for Windows

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Wed Jun 13 09:06:32 AEST 2007

Ivan Trundle wrote:

> Drivel, pure and simple. Even if vaguely factual, it's drivel to read.

I find it incredible that Mr Spolsky hasn't noticed that after
a fresh install, many software packages are slow to launch the
first time up, since they have to perform once-only configuration
tasks. Safari does it, Firefox does it, etc.etc.

Of course the app then runs faster after the second etc. launch.

For one who claims to know so much, he seems to know very little
about what is actually going on under the hood.

He mentions font clarity on a Mac. I can read two A4 pages
side-by-side on my Mac Powerbook 15" screen. When I show this to
Windows laptoppers they just shake their head and wish.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

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