[LINK] Some shocking news about wireless electricity

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 06:25:40 AEST 2007

I've got an electric tooth brush.  I don't use it because I can't  
stand electric toothbrushes but I got it as part of something else.   
It has such a cup arrangement.  Actually the cup is the toothbrush  
itself.  The holder has a sort of spike.  I assume for efficiency the  
induction transfer takes place at a higher frequency than 50Hz so the  
"transformer" coils can be much smaller.  The brush would just about  
completely surround the spike so there would be very little leakage  
of EMF if it were well designed.

On 2007/Jun/13, at 2:42 PM, Stephen Loosley wrote:

> At 11:57 AM 13/06/2007, Stewart wrote:
>> .  The best way to inductance charge an electric toothbrush would be
>> to put it into a cup-shaped holder, where the cup was the primary  
>> coil,
>> and the toothbrush had the secondary.  Then you'd have a holder and
>> a closely coupled induction (high efficiency) system all in one.
> Ahh . yes .. imho .. excellent idea. Haven't taken such an item  
> apart and
> don't use them actually, but, the electric toothbrushes I have seen  
> do not
> appear to have any such 'cup' arrangement as you suggest, Stewart. :-)
> Although the current drain, per unit, would be small, it all adds  
> up. Surely
> your idea would be a fine marketing point.  I wonder when our consumer
> energy-star rating system will extend to such consumer items rather  
> than
> just the large consumer white-goods, which currently appears the case?
>> My problem is that I often don't know what month this is these  
>> days, let
>> alone what date.
> By the way, it's 2007.. right? :-)

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
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                           -- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Analog, Apr 1961

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