[LINK] OFF TOPIC: Is a translation a copyright violation

Brendan Scott brendansweb at optusnet.com.au
Sun Jun 17 12:55:34 AEST 2007

Karl Auer wrote:
> Hi Linkers.
> Is translating the lyrics of a song without permission a copyright
> violation?
> I realise that fair use, review etc all permit translations of part of a
> song, but what about a translation of the whole song? And, obviously,
> publication of same.
> Note that there is no performance, and this has nothing to do with the
> music, we are talking solely about the lyrics.
> All responses beginning with "I suppose", "I think" and "Surely" will be
> cheerfully discarded :-)

Answer: depends, but generally yes:

Section 10 Copyright Act

adaptation means:
(c) in relation to a literary work (whether in a non-dramatic form
or in a dramatic form):
(i) a translation of the work; or

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