[LINK] Senator Coonan on 7:30 Report

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Wed Jun 20 00:12:20 AEST 2007

Jan Whitaker wrote:
> At 12:36 AM 19/06/2007, Saliya Wimalaratne wrote:
>> Another thing that happens with increasing distance is the
>> necessity of adjusting timing to suit longer distances -
>> this pretty much doesn't happen with consumer-level kit and isn't
>> part of the standard(s) as far as I'm aware.
> Saliya, how can the guy from Optus stand up in front of a camera and say 
> such stupid things about the reasonable use of this 'new' technology for 
> remote locations? Seems to me that if there are dead spots for mobiles 
> because of lack of towers, there will be dead spots for wireless access. 
> Or are they going to pay for high speed satellite data streams? Has 
> anyone seen the detail of this 'new' 'plan' (sic)?

There is a difference, one is wireless coverage of fixed remote
population centres the other is your mobile phone working all over the
continent - for bushwalking and skiing in the Snowy Mountains, in
tunnels and between cliffs on the highway between Sydney and Newcastle,
  and on the far reaches of Cubby station.

Though there is something about this plan that recalls visions of dead
tanks lying about in the fields of countries that were in the old soviet
union. Over investment in Infrastructure with no sustainable business model.

I don't understand the discussion about the shed....I can carry my
wireless bridge (WAN connection not LAN)from Sydney to Canberra and to 
the Garden as long as there is power there. Admittedly, my garden shed 
is quite close to my house, but possibly even closer to the transmitter.

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: 0414 869202

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