[LINK] The PLAN, and broadband speeds?

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Fri Jun 22 12:09:51 AEST 2007

On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 11:35 +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 10:21:05AM +1000, Karl Auer wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 07:01 +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > > also, is it likely that you'll have both HDTV usage *AND* HD
> > > videoconferencing at the same end node? i would have thought that
> > > videoconferencing would be more likely at an office (where watching
> > > TV isn't all that common), and TV would be more likely at home (where
> > > videoconferencing isn't all that common). i.e. typically, it would be
> > > one or the other, not both.

> personally, i think that while videophones might sound cool in science
> fiction, hardly anyone actually wants them - especially at home.

You have changed "videoconferencing" into "videophones". Different
things. The reality might end up being a bit of both, or neither.

> who really wants to have to get dressed or tidy themselves up or brush their
> hair just to answer the phone?   or try to make themselves look sick rather
> than hung-over (or dressed for the beach) when calling in a sickie?  

Who says that what will be transmitted will be an actual picture of the
person or their surroundings?

> or, for that matter, who wants their boss/bank/insurance company/local
> shop/etc,etc,etc getting a peek inside their home just because they
> phone?

Who says that transmission of a picture will be mandatory?

> the reason why we don't all have videophones now is not because of
> a lack of technology (or even bandwidth), it's because of a lack of
> demand.

Maybe. Who knows what is the dog and what is the tail? I'm just saying
that with good bandwidth and ease of use, videoconferencing (in some
form) might be hugely popular as a home technology.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)                   +61-2-64957160 (h)
http://www.biplane.com.au/~kauer/                  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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