[LINK] The PLAN, and broadband speeds?

Janet Hawtin lucychili at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 08:43:22 AEST 2007

On 6/27/07, Robert Hart <hartr at interweft.com.au> wrote:
> Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> > Satellite plus TCP/IP is a problem, but if it's a choice between
> > satellite and nothing?
> My gliding club moved from a dial up link to a satellite link in October
> last year (helped by a $1000 grant from ljh et al to offset the cost of
> the satellite hardware, causing me some cognitive dissonance, but never
> mind).
> The performance of the satellite link is considerably LESS problematic
> in terms of delays than the dial up link - so I dispute your suggestion
> that satellite is in itself a problem.
> However, satellite is most certainly not a long term, high bandwidth
> solution for the large number of people in rural Australia as it is far
> too expensive to set up and run.

Yes I thought that satellite/isdn line combinations had proven very
expensive traffic wise.
I guess for the providers that is not a direct concern =)

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