[LINK] Spam filter eliminates 99% of junk mail

David Lochrin dlochrin at d2.net.au
Fri Nov 16 18:42:01 AEDT 2007

On Friday 16 November 2007 11:04, Tom Worthington wrote:
> I did a quick check to see if my SpamAssassin Spam filter was
> working. The result was that the filter is catching 99% of the Spam,
> which makes up 96% of the email I receive. No messages were
> incorrectly classified as Spam.

   I agree with Tom's assessment of SpamAssassin, which disposed of almost 90% of a deluge of spam with the threshold set to five.  However the new owner of the D2 ISP seems to have a very effective spam filter, also SpamAssassin I think, and my own filter doesn't get much of an outing these days!


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